Chaos Mandala Sigils

Making images of chaos mandalas is a magical practice that I do on a regular basis. Through the creation of these images I am able to meditate on chaos. This enables a stronger relationship with the creative and destructive forces in the universe of which we are a part.

As well as being a meditative practice a chaos mandala can also be worked with for enchantments. This can be done by implanting sigils and adding sound effects that relate to the statement of intent. I find making them into video adds more dynamism to the charging than using a still image.  It’s an interesting way of making sigils. Its not the traditional method employed by Austin Osman Spare. However, I feel that one of the practices of chaos magick is to explore new technology and new ways of doing things; while at the same time still keeping the older technology if it remains beneficial.

While not being an expert in IT I have attempted to embrace the spirit of enthusiastically taking up new inventions and seeing what the magician can do with them. There are two examples of this below. Both videos are for the same statement of intent which is on the video for transparency. While the magick is more effective if you do not know what it relates to I feel that when sharing a sigil on a social media platform its more ethical to be clear to people what they are enchanting for.

The second video is made from the same “raw” footage as the first but mixed differently. This indicates the variety of techniques that can be employed when creating video of chaos mandala sigils.

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